USACE to Issue Bids for Hudson River Maintenance Dredging (USA)

USACE to Issue Bids for Hudson River Maintenance Dredging. 

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District intends to issue an Invitation for Bids for the award of a Firm Fixed Price (FFP) contract to perform the Hudson River maintenance dredging.

This work involves maintenance dredging of approximately 186,000 cubic yards of material from the Hudson River Federal Navigation Project Channel at the North Germantown Reach, with upland placement of the dredged material in the federally owned Houghtaling Island dredged material placement site.

The dredging area is located approximately 19 miles from the placement site. The contractor is required to properly prepare the placement site prior to placing the dredged material in accordance with the contract requirements including the construction of new and/or reinforcement of existing containment dikes in the area designated for placement of the North Germantown Reach sediments.

The contractor will also be responsible for performing all sampling, testing and monitoring activities to insure compliance with contract requirements. Potential bidders are encouraged to inspect the North Germantown Reach dredge area and dredged material placement site prior to bid opening.


Dredging Today Staff, May 25, 2012