The Netherlands: Marine Strategy Directive Requires Public Consultation

Marine Strategy Directive, National Public Consultation Documents Library

The European Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires that each Member State organizes a public consultation procedure related to the implementation of the Directive to ensure that all interested parties are given early and effective opportunities to participate.

By 15 July 2012 the Member States (MS) have to carry out and submit to the Commission:

– An initial assessment of the current environmental status of their national marine waters;

– A determination of what Good Environmental Status means for their marine waters;

– The establishment of environmental targets and associated indicators to achieve GES by 2020.

The Marine Strategy Navigation Group (MSNG) pulled together information available on the public consultation processes in the MS on the above three elements.

MSNG encourages members of its constituents to participate in the public consultation in their own country and express their views on the documents relating to the initial stage of the implementation of the MSFD.

Formed in 2009 and chaired by CEDA (Dr Noemi von Meijenfeldt, Witteveen+Bos, the Netherlands), the Marine Strategy Navigation Group (MSNG) is a ‘thematic cluster’ of navigation sector bodies that coordinates the exchange of knowledge, experience and views of the participating associations and provides professional advice that can be used in the implementation of the MSFD.

MSNG members represent the port navigation and dredging sector. These members include both lobby and non-lobby organizations with CEDA and PIANC comprising the non-lobby oragnisations.

CEDA’s aim with participating in the implementation processes of the MSFD and other EU Directives (Water Framework and Waste Framework Directives) as well as in the work of other regulatory bodies (London Convention and OSPAR Commission) is to ensure that any legislation relating to dredging and marine construction is based on the best scientific and technical knowledge and practical experience available and is ultimately workable.

Current members of MSNG are: Central Dredging Association (CEDA), European Boating Association (EBA), European Boating Industry (EBI), European Community Shipowners Association (ECSA), European Dredging Association (EuDA) [Corresponding Member], European Seaports Organisation (ESPO), International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMEA), International Salvage Union (ISU) and International Navigation Association (PIANC).

MSNG is now reviewing the national consultation documents with a focus on points of interest to its constituent bodies and prepares a comparative overview of the national approaches.


Dredging Today Staff, June 15, 2012; Image: dredging