Miami Harbor Deepening: Contract Solicitation Begins (USA)

Business & Finance

Contract Solicitation Begins

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District has announced that the contract solicitation process for the Miami Harbor Deepening project is now underway.

The bid solicitation includes deepening existing Federal navigation channels (primarily from 42 feet to 50 feet deep) and widening the channels in certain places. This project is a part of President Obama’s “We Can’t Wait” initiative.

The entire project consists of construction dredging in Cuts 1 and 2, Fisher Island Turning Basin, Fisherman’s Channel, Lummus Island Turning Basin, and Local Sponsor Berthing Areas in Miami Harbor, Fla.

In addition to dredging, the work involves drilling and blasting, (which includes, fish-kill monitoring, protected species observers and watch plan activities, and vibration monitoring/control activities), turbidity/sedimentation monitoring (which includes pre- and during construction environmental monitoring of adjacent seagrass beds and hardbottom communities for direct and indirect impacts associated with construction activities), endangered species observers (hopper dredges only), dedicated manatee observers (clamshell dredges only), coral relocation, and seagrass and artificial reef mitigation areas construction.


Press Release, October 19, 2012