NL Agency to Prepare Jakarta’s Coastal Defense Strategy (Indonesia)

NL Agency to Prepare Jakarta's Coastal Defense Strategy

NL Agency (Ministerie van Economische Zaken) announced plans to hire a team of experts with adequate knowledge and capacity on an hourly basis to work on the preparation of a Master Plan for the implementation of the coastal defense strategy Jakarta (Jakarta Coastal Defense Strategy).

The overall objective of the project is the implementation of elements of the coastal defense strategy by the Indonesian government and other relevant parties in the period 2014 – 2025.

To achieve the objective, the (sub) projects a number of specific achieve such objectives:

– Master of the coastal protection and flood protection for North Jakarta should be in proportion to the overall economic, urban and infrastructure development;

– Offer a creative solution model which agreed safety are optimized to be profitable from an environmental and economic terms;

– Contribute to reaching agreement on the stakeholders on the set of measures with a high priority and the preparation of tender documents for such emergency work;

– Introducing financing schemes, locally and internationally;

– Identification of quick win projects;

– Generating involvement of parties from the public and private industry, locally and internationally;

– Construction and equipping of the population in dealing with natural disasters.

The purpose of the award is to assist the Programme Management Unit (PMU) for the implementation of the JCDS program in relation to planning, coordination and implementation and management of the coastal defense system Jakarta including management related to water supply and water management, flood management and the execution of related schemes in the province of Greater Jakarta, Banten and the neighboring provinces of West Java and the Ciliwung-Cisadane river basin.


Dredging Today Staff, November 2, 2012