India: Engineers Day Celebrated at NMPT

Business & Finance

Engineers Day Celebrated at NMPT

New Mangalore Port Trust celebrated Engineers Day on the 152nd birth anniversary of Sir M. Visveswaraya, recently.

Mr. M.R. Hedaoo, Chief Engineer (Civil) welcomed the gathering. The Guest of Honour Mr. Yogish Bhat, Dy. Speaker, Karnataka State Govt. addressed the gathering and stressed that Engineers contribution to the society is enormous and they should build the country so that the benefit reaches the entire society.

The Chief Guest of the function Dr. Laxman Nandagiri, Dean (P&D), NITK, delivered key note address and informed the engineering fraternity to develop the technology which are environment friendly. Chairman in his presidential address informed that the Port Engineers are focused and are developing the infrastructure of the Port.

He also stated that the infrastructure in NMPT is one of the best among all Major Ports. He informed to adopt the values of Sir M. Visveswaraya. Sri Ivan Monteiro, Chief Mechanical Engineer extended vote of thanks. Smt. Bhagyalsmi and Sri K. Aleshappa were the Master of Ceremony.


Press Release, November 8, 2012