USA: Avalon Beach Fill Project Moves Ahead

Business & Finance

Avalon Beach Fill Project Moves Ahead

A progress report on the Avalon beach fill project has been announced.

This project will result in 290,000 cubic yards of sand being placed on the Avalon beach­front from 9th Street south to 25th Street:

–As of Wednes­day, Jan­u­ary 9th, 2013 more than 70,000 cubic yards of sand have already been placed in the beach nour­ish­ment template;

–The beach fill oper­a­tion has moved south to 12th Street in Avalon and will con­tinue to move south until the project is com­pleted at 25th Street. It is pos­si­ble that the beach fill project may con­clude in Avalon on or ab0ut Sat­ur­day, Jan­u­ary 26th;

–Favor­able weather con­di­tions will likely result in 20 hours a day of sand pump­ing oper­a­tions, with an expected vol­ume of 1,000 cubic yards per hour;

–The con­trac­tor work­ing on the project reports very clean sand being pumped onto the Avalon beach­front from Townsend’s Inlet with no safety issues.


Press Release, January 10, 2013