USA: Corps to Issue IFB for Sea Bright Erosion Control Project

Business & Finance

Corps to Issue IFB for Sea Bright Erosion Control Project

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, intends to issue an Invitation for Bids (IFB) for the Sea Bright Erosion control program.

The proposed project will include placement of 1.7 million CY of sand with an option of an additional 1.9 million CY to restore the mentioned area to its initial fill profile, for a grand total of 3.6 million CY. The estimated project duration is 270 days.

Sand for this project will be dredged from the Sea Bright borrow area located 3-5 miles east of Sea Bright, NJ.

The estimated cost range for this project is between $50,000,000.00- $100,000,000.00.

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Source:, March 21, 2013