Diamondhead: Application for Coastal Wetlands Permit (USA)

Business & Finance

Application for Coastal Wetlands Permit

Diamondhead Corporation has filed an application with the Department of Marine Resources requesting permission to conduct regulated activities under the provision of the Coastal Wetlands Protection Law Act.

The applicant is proposing to maintenance dredge Paradise Bayou and adjoining canals to allow safer and year-round vessel navigation to and from residential properties and the marina. Paradise Bayou, adjoining canals, and the marina will be dredged to final depth of 6 feet below mean low water (mlw) resulting in the removal of approximately 125,000 cubic yards of material.

Dredging will be performed by hydraulic dredge and dredged material will be pumped to an adjacent 10-acre site for dewatering. The proposed dredging project will include a 10-year maintenance agreement where additional dredging may be authorized based upon hydrographic surveys provided by the applicant showing a need for channel maintenance.

The additional maintenance dredging will only be authorized to return the area to the previously authorized dimensions.

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Press Release, August 28, 2013