USA: BOEM to Brief Northeast Sand Management Working Group

Business & Finance

BOEM to Brief Northeast Sand Management Working Group

BOEM announced that it will brief members of the Northeast Sand Management Working Group at the Northeast Shore and Beach Preservation Association Conference on September 11, 2013, at Richard Stockton College in Galloway, N.J.

BOEM’s objectives for the meeting are to:

1) create a forum to discuss coastal restoration issues and concerns related to the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS);

2) exchange information and perspectives;

3) brainstorm approaches to improving communication and coordination; and

4) identify follow-up actions for BOEM and all stakeholders.

BOEM manages the sand and gravel resources from the OCS. Jeffrey Waldner, a geologist serving on BOEM’s Marine Minerals Program staff, will describe the bureau’s role and processes for leasing or otherwise providing federal sand resources to states, and its related research efforts, particularly regarding New Jersey and other areas affected by Hurricane Sandy.

This is the first meeting of the Northeast Sand Management Working Group, which was established largely in response to Hurricane Sandy.

The working group consists of representatives of state and federal agencies, researchers and non-governmental organizations that are committed to promoting a resilient and sustainable approach to the management of marine resources in an ecologically sound manner.


Press Release, September 10, 2013