USA: Corps to Invite Bids for Great Kills Harbor Dredging

Business & Finance

Corps to Invite Bids for Great Kills Harbor Dredging

The Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, has announced a plan for the Great Kills Harbor dredging project.

This cleanup program will include maintenance dredging of the Federal Navigation channel at Great Kills Harbor, with subsequent placement of the dredged material along the designated down-drift beach at Wolfe’s Pond Park, Staten Island.

The work is estimated to cost between $5 mln and $10 mln. The specifications for this project will be available on or about 11 November 2013, and the bid opening date is 12 December 2013.

Dredging and disposal should take place within the approximate time period of January to May 2014.

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Source:, October 25, 2013