Healthy Partnership Secures Gladstone Harbour’s Future (Australia)

Business & Finance

Healthy Partnership Secures Gladstone Harbour’s Future

The health of Gladstone Harbour will be secured in a new partnership with the Newman Government that will improve planning, environmental and economic outcomes after years of Labor mismanagement.

Environment and Heritage Protection Minister Andrew Powell launched the Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership which is supported by industry, community, research institutions and local government.

Labor had to be dragged kicking and screaming into any sort of action on Gladstone Harbour,” Mr Powell said.

With no vision and no plans, the Harbour’s economic potential languished and the environment suffered as well.

“However, the Newman Government’s Can Do attitude means high environmental standards can be maintained while working with industry to encourage investment.

“Gladstone Harbour is vital to growing a four pillar economy and with improved planning as we promised at the election, we can ensure the best environmental outcomes as well.

“We provided $1 million to establish the Partnership and have committed $3 million over the next two years, which the other partners have now agreed to match.

“This is a great outcome and shows that, unlike Labor, we understand the need to work with industry to ensure a healthy Gladstone Harbour for the marine life and all who use it.

“It is already one of the most highly monitored ports in Australia and from the end of next year, that monitoring will be coordinated, through this partnership, and conveyed to the Gladstone, Queensland, national and international communities in an easy-to-read annual report card.”

Mr Powell said the Newman Government wants Gladstone Harbour to remain healthy so that it can be sustainable for future generations.

The Partnership is about providing an open, honest and accountable report of Gladstone Harbour’s health and clear advice when environmental management is not meeting expectations,” he said.

“The Newman Government is pleased to work alongside an Independent Science Panel that provides open, transparent and independent peer-reviewed scientific input, enabling the Partnership to make informed decisions.”


Press Release, November 6, 2013