UK: Somerset Flood Relief Plans Make Progress

Somerset Flood Relief Plans Move Step Closer

Plans to help prevent significant flooding in parts of Somerset and improve the county’s roads moved a step closer this week after a key decision.

Proposals totalling more than £20m were rubber-stamped yesterday by Councillor Harvey Siggs, Somerset County Council’s Cabinet member for Highways.

Councillor John Osman, the Leader of Somerset County Council, last month pledged that the projects would be started and finished this year – before further winter floods.

Councillor Siggs said: “This decision means we can continue drawing up detailed plans to make sure this money is being invested in the right areas. Our residents, businesses and communities suffered so badly last winter, and this is a big step in the right direction to make sure that they do not suffer in this way again.”

The Department for Transport has awarded the Council a one-off revenue funding grant of £10m towards delivery of initial elements of the Levels and Moors Flood Action Plan.

Costs will be finalised once feasibility studies and design work for the larger projects are completed later in 2014. It will then be possible to determine a final allocation of the available funds.


Press Release, May 13, 2014