Deltas 2014: Highlights of Conference in Pictures

Business & Finance

Deltas 2014

More than 1.200 participants from over 50 countries attended the second edition of the conference Deltas in time of climate change.

The conference took place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands from 24 – 26 September.

In three high-level round table discussions, over 100 sessions and many practical workshops, delegates from river deltas all over the world shared their experiences on the complex issue of sustainable delta management.

The conference addressed the growing need for river deltas and coastal cities to take preventive measures for protection against extreme weather events and sea level rise.

During three inspiring days the delegates talked much about developing strategies for climate adaptation, incorporating issues as economic development, nature conservation and urbanization.

Some of the highlights captured in pictures:














Photos by Maartje Strijbis / Floor Fortunati

Source: dutchwatersector, October 06, 2014