All Set for Bridport Harbor Works

Business & Finance

Bridport harbor dredging project that is scheduled to begin tomorrow, November 5th, will make life a lot easier for the boat owners traveling in and out of the harbor.

An amphibious excavator will scoop sand and sediment from the seabed to ensure the harbor remains deep enough for boats, especially in low tide.

The inner harbor west basin dredging is due to start on 5 November and will last around four weeks. It follows on from last year’s successful dredging of the harbor’s east basin.

Working times will be between 7am and 7pm depending on the tides. Harbor users are asked to be aware of plant working and keep out of the west basin at all times.

River and harbor users are also asked to be aware of the sluice gate operation as this will be done where possible on a daily bases to remove the material.

The sediment build-up is a common occurrence in active harbors and dredging is required periodically to ensure safe operations are not affected.

Cllr Robert Gould, Leader of West Dorset District Council, said: “This important work needs to be carried out to ensure access in and out of the harbor. The district council endeavors to keep disruption to a minimum and we thank everyone for their cooperation.”

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Source: Dorset County Council