Western Marine Nabs Valdez Deal

Business & Finance

Western Marine Construction, a company specialized in marine construction since 1961, has won a major contract from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, to improve navigation in the Valdez port area. 

The Valdez Navigation Improvement contract is estimated to be worth around $21.7 million and will include construction of a breakwater and dredging operations.

Construction of the 3,160 linear feet rubble mound breakwater will protect a mooring basin with entrance channel approximately 14 acres in size.

The basin will involve dredging works and disposal of approximately 339,000 cubic yards of material of which some will be disposed of in adjacent uplands with the majority of the material disposed in deep water.

New breakwater will be three layer rock systems comprised of Armor Rock, B Rock and Core Material and will require staged construction with the use of wick drains that will allow consolidation of foundation materials.

Due to the complexity of the project’s location and the project schedule, a large volume of equipment will be needed in order to complete this project on schedule.

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