Deep C Blower Completes Project in the Black Sea

Business & Finance

Deep C has completed a mass flow excavation and dredging contract in the Black Sea utilizing their in house designed Deep C Blower. The Deep C Blower is an electrically powered mass flow excavation solution with unique capabilities and the ability to be used at considerable water depths.

The project involved freespan correction prior to pipelay operations in a water depth of approx 110 m. The Deep C Blower was also set up with an onboard jetting system to aid clay disintegration.

The key challenge was the client’s requirement for strict tolerances for trench profile, and the approach required obtaining this profile in steep downhill terrain.

To encounter these requirements, Deep C engineered and developed a methodology with pre-determined excavation speed along pre-defined passes, taking both excavation target and actual soil conditions into consideration.

The scope of work was successfully completed within time frame, and without any incidents.

This project follows on the back of recent contract wins in the UK and overseas for a diverse range of projects involving spudcan remediation workscopes, trenching scopes, dredging operations and boulder removal scopes.

Press Release