River Roding Flood Risk Management Strategy

Business & Finance

The Environment Agency has adopted the River Roding Flood Risk Management Strategy that will manage the flood risk in the catchment over the next 100 years. 

The strategy area covers the River Roding from its source at Molehill Green in Essex to the tidal limit at the A118 in Wanstead. It also includes the tributaries of the Crispey Brook and Loughton Brook.

In 2006 a draft of the RRFRMS was sent out to consultation. Since this consultation, a series of changes have been made on economic and sustainability grounds, leading to a revised strategy and an addendum to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).

A further round of consultation was undertaken in 2011 on the draft revised RRFRMS and supporting SEA Addendum. This statement of environmental particulars outlines the environmental effects of the strategy and how consultation has affected the final plan.