Norfolk Invests Heavily in Its Beaches

Business & Finance

Mayor Paul Fraim and other city of Norfolk leaders joined Col. Paul Olsen, Norfolk District, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers commander, along Ocean View Beach to sign a historic project partnership agreement here March 30, 2015.

The agreement lays the foundation for construction of a coastal storm damage reduction project to protect the Willoughby and Ocean View neighborhoods of Norfolk.

The project is a first in the city to address sea-level rise, and according to Robert Pretlow, a Norfolk District project manager, these sections of the city are particularly vulnerable during storm events.

The recently released North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive study identified Norfolk as an area of high risk in regard to sea-level rise.

Seven miles of coastline will receive sand at an initial cost of around $18.5 million.

Using sand as the primary beach material is cost-effective and can be adjusted to future sea levels, Pretlow said.

Initial construction on the project will begin in November and last six months during the winter, which allows project construction to avoid nesting-turtle season and tourist season in the area.