Study on Beach Erosion Structures Requested

Business & Finance

Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06) requested that the U.S. Army conduct a study on the effectiveness of beach erosion structures when used in concert with beach replenishment projects. 

The letter requesting the study was led by the Congressional Coastal Communities Caucus, of which Pallone is a co-chair.

In the letter, the lawmakers wrote that “the impact of beach loss on a coastal community can be profound, negatively affecting both the safety and socio-economic well-being of coastal populations…A study on the effectiveness of these beach erosion structures when used in concert with beach and dune nourishment is needed to guide federal, state and local policymakers as they work to better protect beaches and the safety of coastal communities, and should be conducted by an internationally respected organization like the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences.”

The letter requests that the study address three specific elements:

  • The relative effectiveness of erosion remedies;
  • The expected longevity of these remedies and performance in different geomorphic settings;
  • The expected tradeoffs associated with these approaches, considering environmental, economic and social effects.