Slough Scheme on the Table

Business & Finance

The Environment Agency and Slough Borough Council are working together to investigate whether the potential options to reduce the risk of river and surface water flooding within the catchments of the Chalvey Ditch, Salt Hill Stream and Datchet Common Brook are technically and economically viable.

In late August and early September a newsletter about the scheme will be sent to the local community. This will explain how they can provide the Environment Agency and Slough Borough Council with thoughts and comments about the proposed options.

In autumn 2015 the Agency and the Council plan to hold public drop-in sessions. These will give the local community the opportunity to review, discuss and provide feedback on the preferred option.

This feedback will be used to develop the business case for the scheme and, if this is approved, in the detailed design. The detailed design of the scheme would be developed during 2016 with construction potentially beginning in 2017.

If approved, the estimated cost to design and construct the scheme could be over £3 million.