Work Begins on Oxford Scheme

Business & Finance

Ground investigations to determine the design and route of Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme’s proposed flood relief channel began this week.

Specialist contractors started work on digging 130 boreholes and trial pits yesterday on land between Oxford’s Botley Road and Sandford in Kennington, the 2 points where the channel will leave and re-enter the River Thames.

The investigations will provide important data on the geology of the area. Monitors will be placed in some of the boreholes to provide additional information on groundwater levels and flows.

Joanna Larmour, Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme Project Director, said: “Added to information we gathered in 2009 the results of this work will give us a better understanding of the nature of the rock and soils underlying the area through which the flood relief channel will be excavated.”

Work will continue for about four weeks.


The Oxford Flood Alleviation Scheme is a partnership project involving the Environment Agency, Oxfordshire County Council, Oxford City Council, Vale of White Horse Council, Oxford Flood Alliance, The Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership and Thames Regional Flood and Coastal Committee.

The scheme is being developed to reduce flooding in Oxford by constructing new or enlarging existing channels in the floodplain to the west of the city at an estimated cost of £120 million.

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