Northumberland New Flood Risk Plan

Business & Finance

Northumberland County Council is due to adopt a local flood risk management strategy for the county.

The council will work to further develop flood resistance and resilience measures to protect residents and home owners against the effects of severe weather incidents in the future.

The strategy will complement the council’s current flood risk management approach, which includes flood response and recovery, post-flooding investigations and studies to further understand risks.

After consulting with communities in Northumberland to establish personal experiences of flooding, the updated strategy has been produced in partnership with the Environment Agency and Northumbrian Water, along with other authorities.

The approach will focus on setting out measures with short, medium and long-term actions. Methods to mitigate damage from sources including rivers, surface water and the sea are included in the strategy, as well as a coastal erosion risk management plan.

The strategy has been considered by the communities and local services overview and scrutiny committee, and will go forward for approval by the council’s cabinet before being considered by the full council.

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