CEDA Welcomes New President

Business & Finance

Yesterday Polite Laboyrie (Witteveen+Bos, the Netherlands) became Central Dredging Association (CEDA) President after his year as CEDA President-elect.

He succeeded Anders Jensen (DHI, Denmark) who steps down as President after seven outstanding years of service to the Association.

Polite said, “I believe that cooperation of organizations and experts is the key to finding the best solutions to the challenges we face as an industry. CEDA is already the leading association on dredging – and has been for more than 35 years. Dredging is particularly important to our society because it contributes to safety, trade and transportation. To be able to lead this organization and to help it grow makes me proud.

For new President Polite, taking on the role has meant leaving CEDA’s Environment Commission (CEC) where he was a member for more than 12 years, and Chairman for 7 years.

During Polite’s term as CEC Chair, the Commission was involved in a number of important initiatives. They included the publication of nine CEDA information and position papers on a range of subjects from climate change to ecosystem services and underwater sound.

They also started work on a new book on environmental and social aspects around dredging project. Other highlights of Polite’s leadership of the CEC include actively engaging in the discussions around relevant EU directives, in particular the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

As part of their work CEC helped CEDA to expand its geographic reach and establish a strong working relationship with the Russian State Hydrometrorological University, based in St. Petersburg, Russia.