Commission Approves New Sand Berm for Goleta

Business & Finance

In preparation for the forecasted significantly strong storm season, the California Coastal Commission approved an Emergency Permit for the County of Santa Barbara to construct a winter sand berm along approximately 2,400 feet of Goleta Beach.

The berm will run from Goleta Beach Pier to the west end of the beach.

Construction will start this week and will be complete by the end of December. The berm will help prevent major flooding and damage to park infrastructure, including sanitary sewer, electrical and water lines, etc.

The primary sand source for the berm will come from the existing sand embankment in front of the Goleta Slough.

Tierra Contracting will construct the berm and environmental consultants Amec Foster Wheeler and Storrer Environmental will monitor the construction for protection of biological resources.

The project is funded by a federal Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) grant.

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