Officials Sign Contract for Construction of K.Gaafaru Harbor

Business & Finance

The Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure of Republic of Maldives and Heavy Force Private Limited signed a contract yesterday for the construction of the K.Gaafaru Island harbor.

This development scheme will include construction of 361 m rock armor breakwater, 108 m rock armor revetment, 450 m quay wall with concrete L-section blocks, filling and reclaiming works in the existing harbor area and the dredging operations in the new harbor basin to achive depth of -3 m from MSL.

According to the Ministry, the K.Gaafaru Island harbor construction scheme will also involve widening and dredging works of the existing entrance channels.

Minister of Housing and Infrastructure, Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, signed the agreement on behalf of the Government of Maldives and Managing Director of Heavy Force Pvt Ltd, Mr. Ibrahim Zameer, signed the contract on behalf of Heavy Force Pvt Ltd.

The project will be funded by the Government and is scheduled to be completed within 300 days.

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