Rugeley Flood Scheme on Display

Business & Finance

The Environment Agency will next week, Thursday 25 February, hold a drop-in event to discuss proposals for the Rugeley flood risk management scheme.

The proposed scheme will help to reduce the risk to over 114 residential properties and 157 commercial properties and also forms an integral part of the local council’s plans to regenerate parts of the town center.

The proposal includes constructing an embankment on Hagley playing fields to hold water from Rising Brook during a flood.

Environment Agency project officer, Will Groves said: “As well as helping to reduce the risk of flooding for residents and businesses, the scheme also involves improving the local playing fields and reinstating the bridge. This drop in event is another chance for residents and businesses to see these proposals and ask any questions.

The drop-in will be held from 3.30pm to 7.30pm at the Rugeley Leisure Center.

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