Damen CSD500 Ready for Algerian Job

Business & Finance

The Damen Field Service crew has just returned from the commissioning of Barracuda cutter suction dredger in Algeria.

The customized Damen cutter suction dredger CSD500 has been delivered with a complete dredging package including a booster station and dredge piping enabling immediate start up.

The dredger will perform maintenance dredging in a reservoir, at an inland location in Algeria.

As the reservoir dredging jobs can be quite a challenge, the standard dismountable CSD500 has been customized.

That’s why the CSD500 has been fitted out with a longer cutter ladder for the important dredging depth of -18m working at 45°.

Moreover the spuds, normally a distinct feature of any CSD, have been replaced by an X-mas tree. The X-mas tree is a multiple wire-based mooring system independent of the deep waters in which the dredger operates.

The Algerian customer Hydrodragage has two other Damen dredgers performing similar tasks at other reservoirs.