Reducing Flood Risk in Glenridding, Cumbria

Business & Finance

Improvements to flood defenses are underway this week as the Environment Agency starts work on a new wall to protect residents from flooding in the village of Glenridding in Cumbria.

The new flood defense wall, which will be 140 meters in length and a meter above the ground, is designed to provide flood protection to residents and properties along the bank of the river.

Contractors have already formed a foundation and excavated for the first 20 meter section of the wall; which will start 10 meters upstream of the A592 Road Bridge.

The wall will be made of concrete and faced with local stone and is due to be completed by autumn 2016.

“As well as carrying out emergency repairs, constructing new defenses such as this wall in Glenridding, inspecting defenses and clearing gravel from rivers, we have also been visiting communities to hear from those people affected,” said Kath Tanner, Environment Agency Flood Recovery Manager.

“We want to tap into local knowledge and give local people a chance to shape our plans for the future to ensure we have the best possible plans in place to reduce the risk of flooding.”

This activity in Glenridding forms part of a much wider program of work to repair flood defenses and identify new ways of reducing flood risk across Cumbria in the wake of December’s devastating floods.

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