IQPC Dredging and Reclamation Summit in Brisbane

Business & Finance

The IQPC’s 8th Annual Dredging & Reclamation Summit 2016 will take place from 15th to 17th November in Brisbane.

This year’s summit will focus on improving cost efficiency, reducing lead time and ensuring the sustainability of dredging operations across industry.

As Federal, State and Local governments move to protect their environmental resources, there is uncertainty within the dredging industry in the value of undertaking capital dredge projects.

The most recent prohibition of banning off-shore dredge disposal within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is indicative of a widening theme in government regulation, which is making it increasingly more difficult and expensive to gain approval for and dispose of dredge spoil.

Additionally, the end of the mining boom has undermined confidence in the immediate need for port development and thus capital dredging.

Main themes will include, but not be limited to:

  • Strategies for securing project approval;
  • Exploring recycling options for dredge spoil disposal;
  • Achieving and maintaining stake-holder confidence;
  • Aligning dredging activities with the long term-sustainability of ports;
  • Making reclamation economically viable;
  • Analyzing the environmental impact of dredging activity.

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