Prock Marine Wins Sagamore Creek Dredging Deal

Business & Finance
Image source: prockmarinecompany
Image source: prockmarinecompany

A portion of the Congressionally-authorized Back Channels portion of the Portsmouth Harbor and Piscataqua River Federal navigation project known as “Sagamore Creek” in Portsmouth and Rye, New Hampshire, will undergo maintenance dredging under the terms of a $542,970.00 contract issued recently by the USACE’s, New England District.

Work will be accomplished by Prock Marine Company of Rockland, Maine.

The dredging operations are scheduled to start on or about January 10, 2017 and take about 4 to 6 weeks to complete. The contract was awarded on November 18, 2016.

“Approximately 4,300 cubic yards of predominantly sandy sediment will be dredged from the confluence of the three 6-foot navigation channels by mechanical dredge,” said Project Manager Mike Walsh, of the Corps’ New England District, Programs and Project Management Division in Concord, Mass.

“The sandy dredge material will be transported by scow and disposed of at a nearshore placement site adjacent to Wallis Sands Beach.”

The dredging is needed to restore that portion of the navigation project to authorized dimensions and alleviate shoal conditions that are impacting safe navigation. The work is scheduled to be completed before March 1 to minimize impact to natural resources in the area.

The project will be managed by the Corps under the supervision of a Corps’ Quality Assurance Representative to assure compliance with contract requirements.

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