Website Launched for Aberdeen Harbor Development Project

Business & Finance

Aberdeen Harbor Board’s principal contractor for their £350 million Expansion Project, Dragados UK, has launched a website dedicated to the project.

The site includes project news, construction updates, and information on their program of Community Benefits.

The £350 million project that will expand facilities at Aberdeen Harbor was awarded to Dragados in late 2016.

The new facilities will include 1,400 meters of new quay, with a water depth of up to 10.5 meters and will create an additional 125,000 square meters of lay-down area.

The project also includes the construction of breakwaters, improved access roads to support the new development, road re-alignment, parking and means of access, temporary construction and fabrication areas and other associated development including, paths, lighting and signage.

Development of the new harbor facilities and associated infrastructure at Nigg Bay is expected to take three years.