USACE Hosts Annual Missouri River Tour

Business & Finance

Stakeholders, customers and elected officials were guests of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, for the annual Missouri River tour August 16.

The purpose of the trip aboard the district’s barge is to provide a first-hand look at the Civil Works projects the district builds and maintains along the Missouri River and to receive questions and comments from stakeholders.

The barge tour travelled from Washington, Mo., downriver for several miles, allowing guests to see flood risk reduction measures, navigation elements, and the new bridge project by Missouri Department of Transportation along that stretch of river.

About 90 guests attended the river tour this year. Eric Shumate, chief of hydrologic engineering, spoke on the role of the Corps in managing the water during potential flooding events. Jud Kneuvean, chief of readiness and contingency operations discussed the Corps role in the repair of levees after high water events.

Additional subject matter experts from the Corps onboard answered questions and addressed the concerns of the stakeholders about Corps projects along the river on the barge and at the reception afterward.

“For the Corps to choose our city is a great honor and we enjoy being hospitable. Being close to so many of the Corps personnel for conversations helps build new relationships and that is how productive things happen. Everyone is talking and having a good time which makes this an excellent event,” said Sandy Lucy, mayor of Washington.

Stakeholders from several cities in the surrounding area participated in the tour and reception.

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