Beddington Park Dredging Kicks Off

Business & Finance

Sutton Council has just announced that paths around the Beddington Park will be closed for at least three months whilst the lake is dredged as part of the HLF project.

In July 2016 the council was successfully awarded funding from the Heritage Lottery and Big Lottery Funds to deliver a £3.7 million project to restore, conserve and enhance the Beddington Park.

According to the notice, the weir is being lowered since the beginning of the week to allow the water levels to drop ready for the start of the dredging process.

The contractors will be removing the fish as the waters drop and the waterfowl will relocate. The contractors, EA and stakeholders are working together to ensure the wildlife is safe,” reported the council.

The dredging and improvement works to the lake and stock pond are expected to be completed by by early 2018.