Wasa to Dredge New West Port in Kalundborg

Business & Finance

With a large number of approvals from relevant authorities and environmental agencies, the construction of the 330,000 square meters New West Port in Kalundborg has officially begun.

Yesterday, the first stone in the construction of the new port was thrown over the railing and into Kalundborg Fjord, right at the place where Kalundborg’s brand new port area will be completed in a couple of years.

The gold-plated stone was thrown over the railing by mayor Martin Damm in partnership with port director Bent Rasmussen and chairman of the port of Kalundborg, Jakob Beck Jensen. The three gentlemen threw the stone from the Samsø Ferry to mark the beginning of the construction of New West Port.

New West Port will initially count 330,000 square meters, which will contain, among other things, a container terminal and a 500-meter quay and will have a water depth of 15 meters.

The construction of the new port area is divided into two contracts, one being the land- based construction while the other covers the dredging at sea. The Port of Kalundborg has chosen NCC Industry A/S (Hercules Fundering) and Wasa Dredging Ltd. Both contracts were signed before the sod-turning ceremony.

The Port of Kalundborg expects the port expansion to be completed in February 2019.

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