Badsey Brook Flood Scheme Open Day

Business & Finance

The Environment Agency will hold an open day for the people living in Broadway, Childswickham and Murcot about the Badsey Brook flood scheme.

According to EA, the open day will be held on Wednesday, 25 October between 2pm and 6pm at: West End Lane (access via site entrance) Broadway.

It will give visitors the opportunity to see the construction works in action and the progress made so far. Members of the Environment Agency project team will also be available to provide information and answer questions people may have.

The £4 million flood storage area in Broadway will be able to hold up to 135,000 cubic meters of water during times of flood and will only allow a set amount of water to flow downstream at times of intense and high rainfall. This will reduce flood risk along the Badsey Brook downstream of Broadway.

The scheme, which will reduce the risk of flooding to around 290 homes and businesses, is due to be completed in spring 2018.