MP Graham Stuart Pushes for Withernsea Coastal Protection Project

Business & Finance

MP Graham Stuart said in its latest announcement that winning the backing of Coastal Communities Minister, Jake Berry, could make a major difference in the fight to save the fast-eroding coastline to the south of Withernsea.

Graham has written to Mr Berry in the hope of getting government support for a major upgrade to local sea defenses. The South Withernsea Coastal Defense Scheme would extend the barrier of rock armor by nearly 400 meters to ensure that the town is protected to its boundary, according to the announcement.

The plans seek to secure the future of nearly three hundred residential properties, holiday homes and holiday chalets around Newsham Gardens and Holmpton Road, which are currently threatened by cliff losses of over 6 meters each year.

The Coastal Communities Fund – a major potential revenue stream – is currently off-limits for the Withernsea scheme because of the narrow criteria it applies to bids. Graham said that he wants Mr Berry to review these criteria in recognition of the immense benefits that upgrades to Withernsea’s coastal defenses would give the local area.

Graham also extended an invitation to the Minister to visit Withernsea and see for himself the damaging effects of coastal erosion and the vicinity of homes and businesses to the collapsing cliff edge.

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