USACE to Announce $117 Million for Cedar Rapids Flood Protection

Business & Finance

Years of hard work and perseverance have paid off yesterday, as the City of Cedar Rapids received word they will get $117 million in Federal funding for its planned Flood Control System.

Commenting the latest announcement, Jeff Pomeranz, Cedar Rapids City Manager, said: “The announcement of this federal funding award to Cedar Rapids marks a milestone in the City’s long history of pursuing permanent flood control. This award is federal recognition and acknowledgement that Cedar Rapids’ project is viable, has been planned, and is ready to implement to protect citizens and property.”

“We are incredibly grateful for the work of those who have come before us in the pursuit of this funding,” said Brad Hart, Cedar Rapids Mayor. “This truly has been a team effort, with multiple people working hard to advocate for the long term protection of Cedar Rapids.”

The City of Cedar Rapids has been included in a bill spearheaded by Senator Lamar Alexander and the Committee on Appropriations Energy and Water Development Subcommittee, which designates a portion of supplemental funding from natural disasters to appropriate community projects throughout the country.

Moving forward, the City will continue to work closely with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to establish a Project Partnership Agreement, which will guide construction of next segments.

The total project cost estimate for the complete Flood Control System is $550 million. The State of Iowa has committed to contributing $267 million — 35% of the total cost. Federal and City contributions are also a critical part of the overall funding plan. The City will match $110 million, with $10 million already invested.