Leigh Expansion and Hildenborough Scheme

Business & Finance

The Environment Agency, together with its partners, is working on the Leigh expansion and Hildenborough embankments scheme aimed to reduce the risk of flooding to homes and businesses in Tonbridge and Hildenborough.

The scheme – being delivered by the EA in partnership with Kent County Council, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council and the South East Local Enterprise Partnership – is part of the Medway Flood Action Plan which was launched on 1 December 2017.

According to the Environment Agency, the scheme will increase the storage capacity of the existing Leigh flood storage area (FSA), reducing the risk of flooding to approximately 1,430 properties, and also construct an embankment in Hildenborough.

Funding for the £15.7 million project has been secured from government, Kent County Council, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council and the South East Local Enterprise Partnership to enable the project to proceed to the next stage.

Next steps

  • Consultation with landowners and key stakeholders — 2018/19;
  • Drop in sessions for local communities — November 2018;
  • Detailed design — Winter 2018;
  • Outline planning application — Spring 2019;
  • Construction — 2020 to 2023.