Southern Dredging Bags Wilmington Harbor Dredging Contract

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, last week awarded a construction contract for the Wilmington Harbor Anchorage Basin maintenance dredging project.

Image source: Southern Dredging Co.

The $1,000,027 contract was awarded to Southern Dredging Co., Inc.

According to the Corps, the work includes maintenance dredging of upper Wilmington Harbor federal navigation channel reaches including the Anchorage Basin, Between Channel, and the North Carolina State Ports Authority (NCSPA) berth areas and Turning Basin Extension.

The work will consist of removal and disposal of shoaled material that has accumulated in the channels and berth areas since the various areas were last dredged. The work will require a hydraulic cutter suction dredge, reported USACE.

The estimated quantity of material that will be dredged during the works is 1.4 million cubic yards.

The environmental window for dredging the NCSPA berth areas is 1 October 2018 through 31 January 2019. The environmental window for dredging the Wilmington Harbor federal navigation channel reaches is 1 August 2018 through 31 January 2019.