PT Bahana Galang Jaya and Dutch Dredging Solutions Join Forces

Business & Finance

A partnership between PT Bahana Galang Jaya and Dutch Dredging Solutions (DDS) presented their modular dredging spread in the Premier Best Western Panbil hotel in Batam, Indonesia, on Saturday, 17 November, 2018.

PT Bahana Galang Jaya found Dutch Dredging Solutions as a partner and expert to execute a variety of dredging projects in Indonesia and surrounding countries.

Dutch Dredging Solutions is the partnership between Dredge Pump Solutions (DPS), part of MvO International B.V. from the Netherlands, and the Belgian firm GISL Bvba.

In this partnership, DPS supplies all dredging equipment, expertise and engineering services. GISL takes care of all logistics matters and due to a broad network in Asia also can take care of the business development.

On behalf of DDS, Mr Bob Hannebau, partner in GISL Bvba, and Mr Joost Kruis, Division Manager Special Solutions of DPS, were presenting the activities of DDS. Mr Joost Kruis highlighted the common project goal DDS tries to achieve together with their clients creating mutual benefit.

Using local equipment such as barges and excavators, the mobile dredging spread can be mobilized in 2 x 40ft container and a well-equipped 20ft workshop container, which creates relatively low mobilization time and costs and a high flexibility.

After the presentation, the guests visited the PT Bahana Galang Jaya shipyard where the dredging barge Titian WB1 was seen operational with the dredging spread on board.