DSC Dredge: Christina Bolling Named Vice President and CAO

Business & Finance

Christina Bolling was named Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of DSC Dredge, LLC., a Louisiana based manufacturer of dredging equipment. 

Christina Bolling, Image source: DSC

She was promoted after serving five years as DSC Dredge Corporate Human Resources Director where she has fostered an integrated culture throughout DSC headquarters and two production facilities in Greenbush, Michigan and Poplarville, Mississippi.

“DSC Dredge promoted Christina, and, in doing so, we further help ourselves with her compelling, enthusiastic guidance. Christina is a talented and thoughtful leader who obviously enjoys making the work day enjoyable for all,” said Bob Wetta, CEO. 

“It is great to have her on our team and within our leadership structure. It should be noted how unusual it is for a woman to be among a dredge manufacturing company’s top leadership.”

Bolling’s areas of responsibility include Human Resources, Marketing, Safety/Environmental, Quality Assurance, Project Management, Corporate Administration and Leadership Development.