USACE Awards Contract for HHD Culvert Replacement

Business & Finance

The USACE’s Jacksonville District has awarded a contract to replace the 26th and final water control structure within the Herbert Hoover Dike (HHD), as part of the ongoing rehabilitation project for the earthen structure surrounding Lake Okeechobee.

Image source: USACE

USACE awarded the $23.5 million contract last week to Kiewit Infrastructure South Co. of Orlando, Fla.

The contract calls for replacement of Culvert S-284 (HP-5) along Harney Pond Canal in Glades County, northwest of the lake. This water control structure provides drainage and flood reduction to landowners in the area.

“This award represents the 16th construction contract for the replacement of 26 water control structures since 2011,” said Project Manager Timothy Willadsen“S-284 (HP-5) is the final culvert replacement in the Herbert Hoover Dike Project. Over $500 million has been spent on water control structures as part of the ongoing rehabilitation of the Herbert Hoover Dike since 2011.”

With more than $1 billion invested in rehabilitation efforts since 2001, dike rehabilitation has received more funding over the past few years than any other dam-safety construction project in the nation, said USACE.