Birzebbuga Beach Replenishment Works Near End

Business & Finance
Image source: Konrad Mizzi official facebook page

The beach replenishment works on St George’s Bay in Birzebbuga, a seaside town in the Southern Region of Malta, are nearing completion, Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi said yesterday.

Image source: Konrad Mizzi official facebook page

Earlier this month, Minister Mizzi revealed the replenishment plan for St George’s Bay in Birzebbuga, Ghar Ahmar in Marsaxlokk and Balluta Bay in St Julians, with the aim of creating more sandy beaches for summer.

Marsaxlokk beach will undergo a solid fixture, and with sporadic replenishment, it’s calculated to have an approximate lifespan of 15 years. On the other hand, Birzebbuga scheme is a temporary extension project.

The sand used will be dredged from the sea, ensuring the least possible environmental damage, according to Mizzi.