Rosewood Beach Nourishment Project on the Way

Business & Finance

Planning for sand nourishment at Rosewood Beach in Lake County, Illinois, was approved by the Park District of Highland Park Board of Commissioners at their August 27, 2019 meeting.

Image source: Park District of Highland Park

According to the district, sand nourishment would stem the pattern of severe erosion at the beach caused by record high lake levels combined with an increase in severe storms causing damaging wave action over the past year.

The project will replenish the beaches at Rosewood’s nature and swimming coves. The nature cove shoreline has receded approximately 45 feet and the swimming cove shoreline has receded approximately 55 feet,” said Margaret Boshek, a coastal engineer with SmithGroup.

Though the Interpretive Center at the nature cove has a protective revetment, current patterns of beach erosion could put other Rosewood structures at risk in the near future.

The Park District’s request to add the new sand at those locations will require emergency approval  from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corps. If approved, cost for the project is estimated to be $250,000 and could start in October 2019.

The plan will build out both coves by 40 feet. Sand will be strategically placed and include a combination of Torpedo Sand, a finer grain sand already at Rosewood as well as Birdseye Sand, a heavier grain sand comprised of small smooth pebbles that stay in place during extreme wave action.