Important Milestone for Thyboron Port

Business & Finance

The coastal authorities and Thyboron Port, Denmark, have signed the agreement regarding the transfer of dredging responsibility in Thyboron Channel.

Image source: Thyboron Port

With this agreement Thyboron Port will take over the dredging responsibility as from the 1st of January 2020.

So far, dredging of the channel has been a State responsibility, but, in 2017, the Port of Thyboron succeeded in obtaining an official announcement from the politicians that from 2019 the port will take over responsibility for the dredging of the entrance channel.

According to the port, this is a very important step towards increasing the water depth in Thyboron Channel and thus in the port entrance.

This means that the port can now itself choose to invest in an actual deepening of the entrance. It is therefore a highly important milestone, which will be of great significance to the future operation and expansion of the Port of Thyboron.

To avoid wasting unnecessary time, the Port of Thyboron already initiated an environmental impact assessment (EIA) aimed at obtaining permission from the authorities for a deepening of the navigation route in Thyboron Channel in 2020.