Work Underway on Napier Port New Wharf

Business & Finance

Construction of a new 350-meter-long wharf for Hawke’s Bay started in early February with a ground-breaking and blessing ceremony for workers held at Napier Port.

Image source: Napier Port

A karakia was performed at the 6 Wharf construction site, along the northern end of the port’s container terminal, for the hundreds of people who will be working on the project until the end of 2022, when the wharf is expected to receive its first ship.

Napier Port chief executive, Todd Dawson, officially turned the first sod at the western end of the wharf, where the first of 400 piles that support the wharf deck will be installed.

We need 6 Wharf by the end of 2022 so we can welcome more vessels, continue improving operational performance and keep connecting our region to the world,” said Mr Dawson.

As detailed in the Product Disclosure Statement for Napier Port’s initial public offer, the project is estimated to cost $173-190 million, excluding capitalized interest and overheads.

The new wharf – 350 meters long and 34 meters wide – will be built on piles alongside the existing container terminal.

With separate mooring bollards and additional dredging, it will enable the port to handle vessels up to 360 meters in length and also help ease vessel congestion.