Arundel Tidal Defense Scheme Update

Business & Finance

Good progress continues to be made under the Arundel tidal defense scheme (ATDS) with the improvements to the wall at River Road, informs the Environment Agency.

According to the update, further deliveries of steel sheet piles were made to site week beginning Monday 4 May.

This means that all the steel sheet piles needed to improve the river wall are now in the UK – either on-site in Arundel or at Mackley’s depot in Small Dole (near Shoreham).

The Environment Agency also added that piling activities will continue week commencing Monday 11 May as planned.

Forecast for next week

The jack-up barge will move to a new downstream position on Monday 11 May 2020 and set up ready for piling activities.

The contractor will need to make adjustments to their program of activities (sometimes at short notice) in order to ensure the works remain on schedule and are completed as efficiently as possible.

More steel sheet piles are expected to arrive on site (from Small Dole) on Tuesday 12 May 2020 or Wednesday 13 May 2020. These deliveries remain subject to change at short notice.

Structural engineers will inspect the existing river wall on Tuesday 12 May 2020, as part of routine site monitoring activities during construction.

This will help the Environment Agency and its contractors plan the remaining piling activities and any measures that may need to put in place to continue to safeguard the weaker sections of river wall.