Rye Harbor dredging project on the table

Authorities & Government
Image source: USACE

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District has received a permit application from the Portland Harbor Commission for dredging of Rye Harbor and Fore River in Portland and South Portland, Maine.

Image source: USACE

The proposed work involves the dredging of accumulated sediment at 47 separate waterfront sites including 21 piers, 10 marinas, a public boat launch, and a commercial barge landing.

The dredging events are expected to take place for at least five seasons and between November 1st and March 15th of any year.

The cumulative dredge volume including a 1- foot allowable over-dredge is approximately 244,678 cubic yards.

Dredging is expected to be done using barge-mounted mechanical equipment.

Dredged material will be placed in a hopper barge or dump scow for transport and disposal at yet to be constructed Portland Harbor confined aquatic discharge (CAD) cell.

The deadline for sending public comments on the proposed work is July 23, 2020.