New sand arrives at Horseshoe Bay shoreline


More than 8,000 cubic metres of sand will be repositioned along the Horseshoe Bay shoreline in the coming weeks to mitigate the impact of erosion along the beach, Townsville City Council reports.

District Council of Robe

The council community safety and environment committee chairperson Margie Ryder said that the annual sand replenishment works were part of the Horseshoe Bay Shoreline Erosion Management Plan.

“These annual works are vital to managing the erosion of Horseshoe Bay, which can be caused by king tides and weather events such as the unprecedented 2019 monsoon,” Cr Ryder said.

“The sand will be repositioned to build back the beach’s dunes and esplanade while improving the beach’s resilience to future weather events.

“The annual replenishment works are just one aspect of our Horseshoe Bay Shoreline Erosion Management Plan that was endorsed by Council earlier this year.”

The annual works have been expanded this year with funding provided under the joint Australian and Queensland Governments’ Disaster Funding Arrangements (DRFA) for recovery works following the 2019 unprecedented monsoon.

The works are expected to take up to 5 weeks to complete.