USACE removes dredged material from Dakota Site


The USACE St. Paul District is about to begin moving approximately 50,000 cubic yards of river sand from the Dakota Island Placement Site, near Dakota, Minnesota, to the Trempealeau Placement Site – about 8 miles away.


The USACE’s contractor, Legacy Corporation, out of East Moline, Illinois, will begin the removal process this week.

The contractor plans to move the material via barge and operate during daylight hours, Monday through Friday.

The project will last through the end of August.

The St. Paul District’s navigation program provides a safe, reliable and cost-effective and environmentally sustainable waterborne transportation system on the Upper Mississippi River for the movement of commercial goods and for national security needs.

To do this, the district maintains a 9-foot navigation channel and 13 locks and dams from Minneapolis to Guttenberg, Iowa.